Tax Strategy
The following outlines the Tax Strategy for Aerosmith TopCo Limited and its subsidiary group members in the UK.
It is made publicly available in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 16 (2) Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016.
It has been approved by the Group’s Board of Directors and is effective for the year ended 31 March 2025 and will be reviewed by the Board annually.
The approach of the UK group to risk management and governance arrangements.
The group takes seriously its obligations to ensure tax compliance and the Board accepts its ultimate responsibility to set and oversee the implementation of its tax policy and management of its tax risk.
The group operates in a number of countries and pays a range of taxes in the countries where we have operations – UK , France , Germany , USA and Austria.
We aim to pay the right amount of tax, in the right place and at the right time.
The group partners with professional service firms to help manage tax compliance and reporting requirements in the UK and overseas. All material tax risks are raised by the CFO to the Board.
Ensuring that we pay the right amount of tax requires that we have adequate systems and controls within our accounting processes, and with our interface with Tax Authorities. In the UK, these systems and controls are reviewed annually as part of our Senior Accounting Officer certification.
The attitude of the group towards tax planning
Our responsibility to ensure we pay the right amount of tax requires us to explore and understand complex tax rules that apply within the countries in which we operate.
As part of wider considerations, when it is structuring its commercial activities the group will consider the impact on taxation.
We will not undertake transactions only for tax reasons that have no commercial purpose, are contrived or artificial.
Where tax law is unclear or the correct treatment is uncertain, we will, where required, engage professional advisers to support any filed position. We may also engage with tax authorities on a proactive basis where it is considered appropriate.
The level of risk in relation to UK taxation that the group is prepared to accept
Given the size and scale of the Group’s businesses tax risks arise from time to time. In line with our stated strategy of paying the right tax at the right time and in the right place, the Board, through delegation to the CFO and their finance team, consider the level of acceptable tax risk on a case-by-case basis in the context of the Group’s wider business strategy and its stakeholders.
The Board is kept informed of any material tax risks by the CFO who regularly meets with and discusses tax risks with the Group’s external advisors.
The approach of the group towards its dealings with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
We engage with HMRC constructively, honestly and professionally. Where there are any disputes, we seek to resolve these through open and active dialogue with HMRC with advice and support from the Group’s external advisors.