Read through answers to the most frequently asked questions about the STEAM Mixer project.

What age is the Mixer Kit for?

The STEAM Mixer Kit is designed for 12+, recommended for students aged 14-18 years old. This does not mean it is not designed for Adults too!

How much is the STEAM Mixer kit to buy?

The STEAM Mixer Kit is currently priced at £299.95. If you are a school, charity or youth group, please register your interest HERE, to be able to see if you’re eligible  for free, or considerably discounted priced kits.

Will I need any tools to complete the kit?

Yes. Below is a list of the following tools you will need to be able to complete the electronic and mechanical assembly of the Mixer.

Electronic Assembly:

  • Eye protection
  • Appropriate clothing – e.g. lab coats
  • Heat Resistant Mat
  • Soldering iron
  • Solder – Lead free solder must be used
  • Flux
  • Wire Cutters

Mechanical Assembly:

  • #0 PoziDriv® Screw Driver
  • #1 PoziDriv® Screw Driver
  • 10 mm Spanner

You can find out more about the tools and safety equipment needed in our video guide – HERE

What experience should I have before building/assisting a team with building the kit?

To ensure a safe and effective learning environment, we recommend having a teacher or technician with knowledge of electronics and Design Technology available to assist. With over 200 individual electronic components in each kit, having a knowledgeable person on hand will help students assemble the mixer correctly, aid with the troubleshooting of any issues, and maintain safety throughout the project.

Where and how can I purchase a kit?

There are a number of different ways of being able to purchase kits, depending on your location.


  • If you are a school, charity or youth group, please register your interest HERE, to be able to see if you’re eligible for free, or considerably discounted priced kits.


  • If you are based outside of the UK, please register your interest HERE – we will shortly be in contact with you regarding receiving kits through our extent Partner network.


  • If you are a UK resident, you will soon be able to purchase kits from our online store.
How long will it take me to build a single kit?

We estimate that building one complete mixer from start to finish will take approximately 8 to 12 hours, depending on your/students experience level. We suggest organising 12x 1hour sessions, or 6x 2 hour sessions.

How many people can you have build a single kit?

The most effective way to teach the project is to have up to 6 people per kit. This approach ensures that everyone can be actively involved throughout the build process, with tasks including:

  • Locating parts
  • Forming parts
  • Placing parts
  • Checking part locations before soldering
  • Soldering
  • Trimming Components
What can I do with the kit once I have completed building it?

Once you have completed building the kit, the mixer is a fully useable DJ mixer! If you’d like to learn tips and tricks on how to get the best out of your mixer, take a look at our tutorial video – HERE

What do I do if I have damaged or missing components?

If you have found that the kit is missing parts, or parts are damaged. Please contact our support line;