Supplier Code Of Conduct
The Audiotonix Group designs and manufactures Professional Audio Mixing products for Live Sound, Recording and Broadcast, the products can be found installed in theatres, stadiums, recording studios, post production facilities conference centres, cruise ships and houses of worship, as well as on worldwide tours with renown artist’s. The group has numerous brands which have their own identity to access different markets – Allen & Heath, Calrec, DiGiCo, DiGiGrid, PLAYdifferently, Solid State Logic, Xone and KLANG.
The Audiotonix Group endeavours to lower the environmental impact in a sustainable way and ensure we conduct business in an ethical manner with respect towards employees, society and the environment.
As a supplier to Audiotonix, you are part of our extended business and are therefore expected to honour the same standards with respect to fair labour conditions, occupational health and safety, environmental responsibility and business ethics, these standards are defined in this document. Meeting these Standards will help you protect and value your employees, your customers and your environment.
Audiotonix is doing business with a wide range of suppliers – from large multinational companies to sole traders; from electronic component suppliers, to metalwork fabricators, to contract manufacturers to service providers – but they all have one thing in common to commit to our supplier Code of Conduct.
This Supplier Code of Conduct defines the main principles underlying your business activities as one of our suppliers.
- Human Rights
As a supplier to Audiotonix, you shall
- Respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual
- Refuse to make any person work against his or her will
- Prohibit behaviour including language, gestures and physical contact that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative
- Working Conditions
You shall ensure fair labour conditions, adhering to:
- Refrain from employment discrimination based on gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, union membership
- Allow employees to freely associate and bargain collectively
- Zero tolerance to the use of child labour in any process, in accordance with laws and regulations
- Not to use any forced labour including but not limited to victims of slavery or human trafficking
- To allow employees to leave their employment freely upon a reasonable notice period
- Ensure that working hours including overtime do not exceed the legal requirements
- Compensate employees fairly and follow local wage regulations
- Ensure employees have at least 1 day off per week
- Health and Safety
You shall provide a safe workplace for all employees:-
- Appoint a competent person to manage Health and Safety policies and improvements
- Establish appropriate procedures, working practices and risk assessments to ensure the effective management of Health and Safety risks and improvements
- Ensure workers are aware of these risks and have been trained on control measures
- Environmental Management
Conduct your business in an environmentally sustainable way:-
- Appoint a competent person to manage environmental programs and improvements
- Establish appropriate policies and procedures for the effective management of environmental risks and improvements
- Ensure everyone in the organisation is trained on implementation of the procedures
- Compliance to regulations
Audiotonix are determined to comply with all regulatory requirements regarding the restrictions of substances, including hazardous substances and conflict minerals. Therefore suppliers will ensure that the goods supplied are in compliance with the requirements covered under the scope of all regulations, a number of key regulations are:-
- Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals -REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the chemicals in materials and products, it came into force on 1st June 2007.
- Restriction of Hazardous Substances – RoHS is European Union regulation concerning regulating to control the levels of hazardous substances that they contain. The regulation came into force in 2002 and was last updated in 2019.
- Dodd-Frank Act is a USA regulation regarding the banning of using conflict mined minerals in components and products.
- For Export Control the ECCN number must be provided if the ECCN is not EAR99.
- You must be able to provide evidence that all regulations have been met in sourcing minerals, components and products in a timely manner.
- Business Ethics
You shall conduct your business in an ethical manner:-
- Refrain from all forms of corruption including bribery and extortion
- Abide by all anti-bribery laws including the receiving or giving of gifts
- Disclose any conflicts of interests immediately
- Protect all confidential information
- Adhere to international trade regulations and export control regulations
- For both parties to respect the Audiotonix NDA
- Audit
In order to ensure and demonstrate compliance with the Audiotonix Supplier Code of Conduct, you shall keep relevant documentation and provide us with supporting documentation upon request. To verify your compliance, we reserve the right to audit and inspect your operations and facilities, at our own cost and with reasonable notice.
If the results of the audit causes us to be of the opinion that you do not comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct, you shall take the necessary actions to remedy the failures in a timely manner.
If you fail to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct then we may suspend or terminate your activities as one of our suppliers.
- Disclosure
In the context of our business relationship, if you or your employees believe that the terms of the Supplier Code of Conduct are not being adhered or that Audiotonix is not acting within these terms then we encourage these concerns are raised through your own whistleblowing procedures or with myself or another Director at Audiotonix.
Audiotonix thank you for being a supply Partner and an important link in our supply chain.
Best regards
Tony Williams
Group Operations Director